My Favorite Photographer

The Amazing JC

My Photograph of JC

A few of the most treasured people in our lives come to us through fits and starts over a very long time. We hardly notice.  Until one day. That’s the way I came to know this man.  The first time I saw him was on a weekend afternoon.  He was standing in my daughter’s swimming pool.  I paid no attention.  The next time I saw him, he was sitting on her patio near the pool.  We were alone so I started a conversation.  It wasn’t much of a conversation.  I asked if he lived there.  No, he had his own house in a neighborhood close-by.  I asked if he had a job.  Yes, sort of.  I didn’t ask his name.  I must have seen him a few other times, but I can’t recall when they might have been.

My daughter went to Vegas some months later on a weekend holiday with a friend. The friend from the pool. On Monday, I remembered she was gone. I asked my office manager, M, if she’d heard from her.  No, M had not.  About that time, the phone rang.  I heard pause for an unusually long time.  Then, she asked, “What’s his name?”  I saw her make a note.  She always did that. I hoped it wasn’t some complaining customer.  M had the presence of mind to scribble the name of my son-in-law on a notepad.

Among the many things JC does for me is to run over with his camera when I call.  It’s one of the things I appreciate so much about him.  One day, I saw this Momma and her fledglings sitting on my fence. Here are the photographs he shot for me.  They reflect his gentle spirit.  I love them and I hope you will too.

Momma And Her Babies Go To Flight School

Flight School


Momma And  A Fledgling

Momma And A Fledgling





The Family

The Family

JC’s heart is in wildlife photography.  He almost didn’t tell me that one of his deer photographs was the cover image for the Texas Wildlife Magazine’s Bow Hunters edition last year.  He is a bow hunter too.  He emailed these photographs to me.  When I saw them, I smiled.  He knows me.  He knew I would like soft colors.  JC is sensitive like that. I am a fortunate old woman.

30 Comments on “My Favorite Photographer

  1. How nice for both of you, George. And beautiful photos. I’ve loved those mourning doves for decades…love their song and the tell-tale sound of their flight.


    • Yes, it is good to have JC in the family. I have no idea what I did without him! Doves have a distinctive flight pattern. You can’t mistake it for any other bird. They are easy to shoot because of it. We have doves who nest on both of our porches every year. They make a mess, but they are fun to watch. We had a cedar house that my husband built across one half of a sliding glass door at the old house. Two doves lived in it for years. It was pleasant to watch them from our living area. I finally gave them away along with their house when we installed regular French doors. They live for many years in captivity and will lie perfectly still on their backs in your hand. They are gentle creatures.


      • How interesting and special that you had your own doves to watch closely for so long. Must have been wonderful. 🙂 And it sounds as if they are as sweet as they look….


        • They are sweet. Never bite. Good wild bird for children. And, you can keep them outside. I don’t particularly like the idea now of housing them. They never seemed to mind though. I bought them at a feed store. People keep them to breed, I guess. I don’t know the reason unless it’s to turn them loose to shoot. Yes, that happens.


    • Dou Doud, do you make doves? I haven’t seen them, but I think surely you must. I can’t wait to see your version of the wacky-looking bird who stomps snakes to death!


    • Thank you very much, Sandy! I didn’t “love” the story at first, myself, but JC grew on me! 😉


    • Glad you liked it. I liked the black and white too. I ran away at eighteen and was married by a justice of the peace in another county. It was at Christmas during my freshman year in college. My parents did not approve of my husband. When I went back to school after Christmas, they settled down about the whole thing! I didn’t disapprove of JC. I didn’t know him! Once I got to know him, I loved him too.


      • You ran away at 18 and was married by a justice of the peace? This doesn’t surprise me at all….it does, however, make me smile. : )

        JC seems wonderful.


  2. WOW! Everything impressed me in this post dear George. You are so nice that you shared with us. He is great photographer, I loved his photographs. Thank you, for you both. Blessing and Happiness, with my love, nia


    • Thank you, Maggie. I suppose I’m only slightly biased in my view of them! 😉


  3. I thought I was your favourite photographer 😛 only kiddin’…. these images are just gorgeous… he is obviously very talented.


    • Well, Tracie, you’ll just have to settle for second place this time! 🙂 He hasn’t been into photograph for very long, but he loves it. Thanks!


      • I know the feeling.. I have only been at this a year myself… and since 2 is my all time favourite number (born 22nd Feb)… I am VERY happy with second 😀


        • Are you joking? Your photographs are professional. I can hardly believe it. Congratulations. You have the “eye”!


          • Thanks George… I am completely self-taught, never had photography lesson in my life and started to take this seriously last March… so there you go 😀


  4. Thank you for the kind words G.!!!! Love you, and I need to get my hind end out in the field and get some photos for you!!!!
    It’s going to be turkey season mid March so I’m hoping to be armed with the big Canon taking shot after shot of Rio Grande turkeys down
    south!!! I’ve got a couple to post as well from my trip the other day with Charlie. Pics to come soon!!


    • Your coyote photograph was heart-wrenching, but really good. You should carry a pistol when you walk down there. You couldn’t have cut him loose anyway. How sad. I hope the rancher came soon to check his traps. I can’t wait for the photos from turkey season!

