Parrot Kindergarten

Well, Folks, Cheeky sailed right through Kindergarten.

Yesterday, he received his graduation reward.

A trip to the Big Tree.


You don’t just bring home a baby parrot and plunk him down in a tree.

If you do, he’ll either fly off or climb to the top (if he doesn’t fall and break something).  He will be virtually impossible to retrieve.

Besides, if it’s a tree that’s poisonous to parrots, you’ll kill him.

Cheeky was four months old when he came to live with the other animals and me.

He had never experienced life outside a cage.

He had lots to learn.


He had no idea that anything would hurt him so he sailed to the floor from his cage platform.

Anabelle herded Cheeky for me and kept him from running under the bookcase.  She’s good for that.

However, when Cheeky made a sudden turn toward her, she stepped on one of his legs.

Poor Cheeky collapsed sideways and struggled to recover.  Of course, I snatched him up thinking he was surely a goner.

His leg was bruised, but nothing was broken.  First lesson:  Baby parrots and cranky old dogs don’t mix.

Cheeky only limped a bit for a few days, but the accident could have been fatal.


Parrots have very long memory.  After the near-death experience, Cheeky became humorously cautious about the floor.

When he falls off the desk or flutters down to the floor, he crouches there immobile waiting for me to rescue him.

As it turned out, his experience with Anabelle was an epiphany for him.


A parrot’s wings must be clipped in order for him to safely explore outside his cage.

The first six or seven flight feathers should be clipped on both wings.

This method will leave enough flight feathers to allow him to glide to the floor if he falls.

I could not have worked with him outside his cage if he had been fully flighted.


Clean water is essential.

When you bring your parrot home, be certain that he knows where his food and water are.

Some of the smaller parrots prefer to bathe in a dish.   If no separate water is provided for baths.

they will bathe in their drinking water!

Cheeky did not like to be sprayed so I gave him a dish.

I wish I could manage to get a photo of him hopping into the dish, but no such luck.


Some of the little guys will bathe a couple of times a day,

but, all parrots need regular baths at least two or three times a week.

Rita prefers to be sprayed.  If you spray, use a fine mist directed above the parrot so that the water falls on him.

Never spray a parrot directly in his face.

Rita spreads her wings to be sprayed underneath them.


Cheeky is so tiny even for his species that I have to weigh him regularly to be certain that he is not losing weight.

He weighed 53 grams when he came to us.  A month later, he had gained three grams.

He has learned to sit where I place him making it easier to weigh him.

He is eating well and is learning what I want him to do.

Nobody on earth can force a parrot to do something he doesn’t want to do.


Diet is extremely important and requires special care in the choice of pellets, fruits, vegetables, grains and nuts.

This was Cheeky’s first meal.  I fed him the awful dyed pellets that he was used to eating.

I offered vegetables too, but he refused them.

I fed him in dishes on the floor of his cage because I did not know how he was accustomed to eating.

He has since moved out of this smaller cage into his big cage and his food cups are on the sides of the cage.

Notice the size of the dowel perch.  Yes, people do house Rita-size parrots in this size cage.

I do not use dowel perches.  They are very hard on a parrot’s feet.  Discard them for natural tree branch perches

and rope perches.  No concrete perches.

Notice, too, that his nails are too long and curved.  They needed to be trimmed right away.

Long, curved and pointed nails could become caught in a toy causing him to break his leg or worse.


The basis of an adequate parrot diet is pellets.  Not seeds.

Fruits and vegetables, whole grains, seeds and nuts make up the balance.

Do not feed your parrot anything that you would not eat.

I count the seeds and nuts that I allow Cheeky to eat.  I added them because they are high in calories.

If I offered them freely, he would eat them and exclude the other stuff that is good for him.

When he was about to graduate from his Kindergarten program,

I allowed him to eat his afternoon snack from Rita’s play gym bowl.

His beak is identical to Rita’s.  The lower beak is used to scrape out the inside of the nut after he cracks it.


He is scraping out the seed with his lower mandible.

You can see that he is above me.  It’s fairly high up for him, but parrots love heights.

You can see me in the reflection in the food bowl!  🙂

Cheeky on Charlie Tee Shirt 1200

It is important for a new parrot to get to know everybody in the family.

He will bond with one person, probably, but he should be comfortable with everybody.

Here, Cheeky is getting to know Charlie.

Parrots are not appropriate pets for young children.

Charlie is a gentle kid, but he is not old enough to assume full responsibility for a parrot.

I would suggest that no child who is under the age of twelve or fourteen should have a parrot.


What baffles new parrot keepers is the question of taming and training.

I don’t think of teaching a parrot how to live with humans in that way.

The single most important goal is to earn the parrot’s complete trust.

That means spending as much time as possible getting to know each other.

I talk to him and often read to him.  Parrots like the sound of your voice.

That’s how they get to know you.


As a general rule, I do not recommend allowing parrots to sit on your shoulder.

Rita does not sit on my shoulder.

Cheeky is so small that he can balance there really well.

I am also not fearful of his bite which could be painful if he decided to chomp down!


I think it is important for Cheeky to be involved with his human flock.

At first, I allowed him to explore my desk.

Then, I added a desktop play gym.


Some parrots are fearful of new toys and new situations.

Cheeky was curious about the piece of Rita’s toy on his gym.

I put it there on the second day, and he had not expected to see it.


The play gym provides a place for play and allows me to teach him to stay where I put him.

Parrots do not know what is and is not their property.

You cannot teach them to chew only on chew toys!

I simply put Cheeky back on the gym and moved the frame with no comment.

Repetition is the key to teaching parrots.

If he flies off or climbs off, put him back.

Every time.


The top of Cheeky’s cage has a door that serves as a play gym with a dowel added when the door is open.

It was only when I was fairly certain that Cheeky would not fly off that I allowed him to play on top of his cage.

After he explored the top, he settled down to groom himself!


I chuckled to see Cheeky looking down into his cage.

I suppose he was trying to figure out how he could be on top of his house!

Parrots are very curious creatures who learn quickly.

If you don’t want a parrot to do something, the best plan is to keep him separated from whatever it is.

It is far easier to avoid the opportunity to learn bad habits than to try to correct them!


Cheeky and Rita spend a lot of time near me as I sit at my desk.

I can leave Rita on the play gym, but I do not leave Cheeky outside of his cage when I am not watching him.

Rita is at least twelve or fifteen years old and has live outside her cage for many years.

She seems to enjoy Cheeky’s company, and Cheeky loves having Rita nearby.

He begins his frantic calls if I take Rita with me when I leave the room.

While Rita doesn’t mind having Cheeky around, I do not think she would tolerate sharing a perch with him!

(Cheeky appears to be much bigger than he is compared to Rita because of the angle of the photo.)


The light shining into the cage from the right side of the photo is a UV light for birds.

It is set on a timer to be on for two hours a day which is optimal for Conures.

Artificial UV light is essential for parrots who do not spend time every day out of doors.

Light from windows is nice, but the UV rays are filtered out.


A final word:


Anyone who has an aversion to poop should never keep a parrot.

I left the room to get a change of food bowls.

When I returned, I saw Mr. Cheek sitting on a chair close to his cage

looking mighty pleased with his new adventure.

I had left the door open.

Take my word for it, Poop Happens!


72 Comments on “Parrot Kindergarten

  1. Wonderful post George. Your parroting skills & shared wisdom are presented in words & visuals most effectively. Life lessons are to be had in many endeavours – poop happens. 😀


  2. George, this post just shows how you are so caring, gentle, and patient. (I kept smiling while reading and thinking this is one LUCKY parrot!) I wish many more people were as good to animals/birds as you are. I also adored the picture of him all wet – he looked so cute! Congratulations, Cheeky – you graduated Kindergarten! (thanks for sharing)


  3. a truly marvellous post George, and hugely helpful to anyone contemplating keeping a parrot …. our only one is a child’s toy Scarlet Macaw, but you never know what the future may bring birdwise … I love how you keep your parrots, it sounds so very humane and wonderful 🙂


    • Thanks, Christine. I love my parrot companions. They’re part of my little family. I really don’t think of them as separate. They’re just a part of everybody and everything here. You’d love a parrot. They really are easy. I’m glad you enjoyed visiting with us! I scroll through your photographs and think what a great photographer you are. And underwater too! People don’t realize how difficult that is. Victor Ho had a terrible time at first. He was bobbing around like a cork! Your underwater images are superb. They really are! 🙂


  4. I’ve been in Galveston so I just saw this. I loved reading the information even though I’ll never have a parrot. The pictures of little Cheeky (and my sweet Charlie) are great. I hope Cheeky will sit on me if I ever manage to get down there!!~


    • Thanks, Linda. Cheeky is a sweet little thing who would love to sit on your shoulder and give you kisses! I hope you can come down to visit soon!


  5. You are definitely a “Parrot Whisperer.” I enjoyed learning so much about the process of training a parrot and loved the images of Charlie.
    No wonder you couldn’t resist him when you first met him!


    • I don’t know about parrot whisperer. You should have seen me all black and blue and bloody learning to talk to Rita when she first came to live with me. haha. She finally taught me how to behave. Cheeky is a sweetheart. He really is. I’m happy that he’s here with us. Rita is dismissive of him, but he loves her! Thankfully, it worked out. 😉


      • It sounds like Rita WAS a good teacher, because Cheeky is coming along so well under your guidance. I just love his name and I’ll bet Rita secretly enjoys the adoration….(or not)


  6. This was a wonderful lesson for anyone with a parrot. I wish something like this was available when I had first gotten my cockatoo, Reggie (now long gone, unfortunately). Your pictures made me miss him so much. Cheeky and company look very happy and healthy. I know how much effort that takes. Bless your heart! I also know how much joy they give in return. What a delightful trip down memory lane I just took. Thank so much. (And yes, I even remember the prolific pooping with fondness! I got Reggie to poop on command, over the waste basket. Quite an impressive and handy trick!) 🙂


    • You are good with parrots! I didn’t try to potty train Rita because I was not at home all day then, and even if I had been, I’d have forgotten to take her to potty! Poor Rita would have popped waiting on me! Cockatoos are my favorite parrot. To look at. They are incredibly beautiful and loving creatures, but they require too much “support”. Rita is very independent as is Cheeky. I fell in love with an old Sulfur-crested Cockatoo at a feed store here. He grabbed my finger and would NOT let go. He wanted me to massage his foot forever, I guess. I always had to peel his toes off my finger! He was gorgeous and so sweet. If he had been for sale, I could not have resisted… The owner of the store died, but he remains there. I still stop to see him when I go through that part of town.

      Yes, anybody who has ever had a companion parrot knows the joy they offer us. There really are no creatures like them, I think. It is remarkable how they manage to become members of the family. And it is incredible that they adapt to living with us. When Dean was dying only ten feet away from Rita, she never made a sound. She knew something was different and kept very quiet. She normally sets up a howl when anybody comes into the house, but she didn’t say one word when all of the strange nurses and others came into the house. They know somehow. Thanks, Lorna!


  7. Thanks George for this enjoyable post. Joanna sat right beside me and we both read through it … from beginning to end. You clearly know your birds. As for ‘helpful’ comments you may receive from time-to-time … I liked your feisty response … go get ’em girl! Please keep these interesting and informative posts coming. D


    • Thanks, Farmer. Whoever that woman is, she’s on a mission. However, she said she feeds that gloop to NINE different species (she listed) that are housed in a bird room. I gave up at her last comment about not providing adequate “housing” for my birds. Good grief. I guess we should just hit the delete button when zealots visit. 🙂

      Glad you and Joanna enjoyed the visit with us. Of course, trying to describe what I actually do for the parrots is impossible. And, I’m not an expert. I should post a disclaimer, I guess. Blogging is for sharing the fun. I am delinquent at your place, I’m afraid. I’ll hobble on over there as soon as the rainy spell is over here. 😉 Thanks for taking the time to visit Mr. Cheeky!


      • Oh .. I forgot to comment on one of the more recent negative comments from the very difficult ‘expert.’ She suggested that somehow clipping the wings of birds and making them walk about for exercise would reduce the ability of the hens to lay effectively … hmmm, seems my commercial layer hens (which never, ever, ever, fly about) do just fine! Just my two cents. D


  8. The photo of Cheeky biting its wing is awesome :’)

    George, do you have an iPod touch, iPhone or iPad? Because if so, I could share a photostream with you, where I upload once in a while my photos 🙂 ?

    hope you are doing great!


    • Yes, I have an iPhone. (361) 550-9168 + whatever the USA code is.

      Thanks, Pablo. I don’t think to look at Flickr often. You haven’t started posting on WP, have you?

      I am doing well, thank you, Pablo! I hope school is good. I often wonder what you are doing these days!


      • I will share you the stream then, but I need to know your email address, the one you use in your iPhone 🙂
        There I can share the stream and it works as a facebook, you can like, comment or just to look at the photos, but it’s private, for close friends or family 😀

        As soon as I know your emal, I’ll write you as well telling you how everything is going! 🙂


  9. What a handsome fellow! And beautifully captured. Glad to see Cheeky’s settling in (even if it is by repetition) – he looks very happy. Probably planning another floor/ rescue scenario 🙂


  10. Oh dear George, what a beautiful post, you are such a beautiful human and open your world to them, I mean to the animals… I have not any idea about birds or parrots in the home… How I wished to have one of them but but but you know I have a cat and this shouldn’t be a good idea!!!!! Another beautiful point in your post, amazing photographs you captured, fascinated me. Thank you dear, love, nia


    • Hi, Jo! He’s as bright and sweet as he is tiny too. I am not a patient person, but there is something about parrots that fascinates me. I lack discipline, but that is precisely what is required to teach them. I just always wanted a parrot, I suppose, so I am willing to modify my own behavior in order to help them to become socialized. We manage to live together peacefully and have fun in the bargain. If I can do that for them, I will know they will be able to live happily with somebody else once I am gone. The best of both worlds, I suppose.

      Thank you for stopping in to visit. I appreciate your kindness too. 🙂


    • Thanks, Linda. I do enjoy my parrot buddies. It’s amazing how they interact with humans. We shouldn’t have taken them out of their natural homes a thousand years ago, but since we did what humans always do to other creatures, I try to make their lives as full as I know how. It is not possible to domesticate parrots, but we can teach them the skills they need to live with us. That is my aim since both Rita and Cheeky will far outlive me. Meanwhile, they bring such joy to every day with them.

      I’m glad you enjoyed visiting with us. Thank you for stopping by our place! 🙂


      • I think that Rita and Cheeky are very lucky to have you, you are looking after them beautifully. Maybe, one of these days when you feed them they will say “thanks Mum”. Hehehe…. Would that not be great.


  11. Oh – how fun that Cheeky has a play-gym on your desk.
    Love the photo with his ruffled feathers. I kinda’ look like that after a bath too. 🙂


    • Hi, sweet RoSy! Thanks for visiting us. Yeah, he looks a real fright with his bath hairdo. You should see him hop into his bath water. The first time I saw him do it, I laughed out loud. It is just too cute since he is so tiny. Yep, he loves playing on his gym next to me and I really do enjoy having him there too. He is a miniature version of a big parrot, and that amuses and delights me. It’s truly amazing. I have to visit to find out what Fennie is up to! 😉


  12. Very interesting, reading what you’ve learned about attending to the growth and development of parrots. Some of what you’ve mentioned is true about a lot of animals. The pictures, of course, are a great pleasure to see, and I could visualize the interchange between birds and human beings in your post.


    • You are right, Shimon. Our relationships with animals are similar for fur and feather. The difference is that a dog will come to you even if he is afraid or doesn’t want to do it. A parrot will not. Parrots cannot be domesticated like dogs and cats. They can be “socialized” through teaching, but they never lose their wild independence. I enjoy, admire and respect that very much about them. Cheeky is every bit as cheeky as Rita ever was. That delights me. He is bright and curious and adventurous. And he weights what? two ounces? Chuckle.

      He’s so tiny that I can hardly scratch his little head without holding the whole head in my fingers. Scratches for birds are called “scritches”. He is growing blood feathers all over his head and they itch and hurt if you move them the wrong way. This is his first molt and he wants me to scritch his head. I would help him to remove the dried sheath from the little feathers if I weren’t so shaky.

      I think you would absolutely enjoy having a parrot. A just-weaned parrot would be ideal. If I knew your friend, I’d ask her to find one for you! 😉 You are patient and gentle and sensitive. And you would be consistent in your teaching. You should take a foster baby parrot to teach. That would open all sorts of joys for you that you cannot imagine. I am no bleeding-heart animal lover, but I do enjoy helping my parrots to learn to live with humans since that is their only hope for a good life … with or without me.

      I always enjoy your perspective. Thanks, Shimon!


      • I appreciate your thinking of me as a potential parrot friend… and I think I could easily fit into that sort of relationship, because I have great regard for independent animals. But unfortunately, that will never be. I live in very close relationships with cats, and I don’t trust them around birds and fish. I did have fish for a number of years, and enjoyed them… though I had to watch out for them constantly. In the 60s, I had a friend who had a parrot, and we got along quite well… surprisingly so, because I hadn’t learned anything about parrots. But though he had a perch that was inaccessible to my cat, he suspected that the cat was always scheming, and it made him nervous. Actually, my cat has managed to make friends with dogs, and has had positive relations with crows… but I doubt that there would be real peace if I brought a parrot into our home. Thanks for the thought anyway.


        • Oh, dear… I can visualize Nechama swishing her tail and stalking like a lion. No, I don’t think Nechama would appreciate the intrusion of a feathered friend into her relationship with you. Parrots and cats share the independent spirit that I so admire. Perhaps, we have to respect Nechama’s wishes on this one! 🙂


  13. Pingback: Parrot kindergarten

  14. Hi George,
    I had no idea that raising a parrot was so complicated, but it is clear you know your stuff. I’m glad that Cheeky and Rita are getting on! Really interesting post! Thanks for sharing.


    • Hi Naomi! Ah, how I smile when I see that wonderful face smiling at me!
      Actually, I guess parrot care really is fairly complicated, but it’s a learn-as-you-go kind of thing. I was frantic when Rita came home with me. I had no idea what the heck to do with that biting wench. I read everything I could lay hands on and finally contracted with a parrot behavior consultant, Shari Beaudoin, to help me. Rita taught me most of what I know about parrot behavior. Shari policed the diet. I endured the wounds until Miss Rita and I made our peace. Actually, I finally learned how to relate to her without offending. 🙂 Cheeky is easy. He’s so bright and independent and curious that I spend most of the time smiling and actually laughing out loud.

      When you are old, keep a parrot. You’ll live longer and smile more often. Guaranteed! 🙂


  15. What a wonderful post, George–words and pictures! Cheeky seems to be learning his lessons well, a credit (no doubt) to his skilled and learned teacher. I look forward to future posts, as he climbs the educational ladder and eventually dons the cap and gown of parrot-adulthood.


    • He’s gonna’ have to grow some. Otherwise, we’ll never find that cap and gown to fit his two-ounce frame! I think he’s about as big as he’ll get though. He’s such a bright, independent, and confident little guy. I really am enjoying him. I was a little concerned that his presence would upset the household with Rita in it too. Rita pays little attention to him though, even when he is sitting with me. Her dismissal of him amuses me. I think she considers him to be totally irrelevant. Chuckle…

      Thanks, Kenn. You’re always supportive and kind. I appreciate that since getting a post together is more difficult for me now that my tremor is worse. I’m not whining, mind you… 😉


  16. Cheeky is certainly growing up to be a beautiful parrot. It was interesting to read his story and the step that need to be taken to make him feel comfortable and be healthy.


    • Thanks, Colline! Living and working with Cheeky has been a real joy. He’s such a two-ounce ball of free spirit. He is easy to teach because he can spend so much time on his play gym on my desk. He is a great admirer of the desktop monitor too. 🙂 And, he’s so very entertaining. There is no way not to smile every day around him. I haven’t visited your place in awhile. I’ll get by there soon. Thanks for stopping by and always being so gracious and supportive, Colline.


    • Thanks, Gail. I’m certainly not an expert. I can only relate what I know about my own creatures. And, no parrot could be as impossible as Rita was when we collided! Cheeky has Rita’s independence and spirited manner too. I like that in parrots. I never thought of caring for Rita as being work. She just lives here too so I take care of her automatically as I would a two-year-old in the house. They really are the source of much happiness for me. I’m glad you enjoy hearing about us! 🙂


  17. I’m very proud of itty bitty cheeky. You have done a marvelous job with a 2 oz parrot George. Fabulous photos and great post.


    • Thanks, Mike. You know, I’m as proud and delighted with his progress as I would be if he were “human”. I am the last person to ascribe human characteristics to animals, but he’s a real spitfire boy. Thank goodness. That independent spirit is what I respect and admire in Rita. It’s doubly fascinating in that tiny boy. He is so tiny that it would be easy to allow him to do whatever he wants to do, but that would make him an uncivilized, nippy little creature that nobody would enjoy. I promise that when you inherit him, he’ll be civilized and snuggly. 🙂


      • Well he’ll be civilized and snuggly with you, but I am no George Weaver, as I lack both in ability and patience. And I really would be afraid I would not be able to keep something that small and beautiful safe. You know what you are doing, clearly. I’m good with indestructible 85 LB dogs, maybe not so much with a 2 oz beauty like my sweet Cheeky.
        You should be proud.


        • I’m as heavy-handed as you are. I had a tiny Pomeranian years ago. When she was a baby, I slammed a door on her leg and broke it. The vet told Kelli, “Your mom is entirely too rough to have a little dog like Buttons!” I think he suspected that I had actually dropped her. We still laugh about that one. And he’s still our vet. 🙂


  18. It appears that Cheeky’s first experience with the floor sealed the deal for a bond of trust between you and him. All the photos are lovely, but I especially enjoyed the one of Cheeky and Charlie


    • Thanks, Linda. Cheeky is such a sweet little guy. Charlie is too so they get along famously. The trust goes both ways in a human/parrot relationship. Since they are never truly domesticated, their wild independence requires humans to respect them in ways that humans don’t normally respect domesticated animals. I find that fascinating, honorable and delightful. I do enjoy living with my companion parrots! 🙂


      • Oddly, perhaps parrots share a bit with cats, who also require a certain amount of respect. Although, I’m sure neither spiecies would agree that assessment! 😉


  19. George
    Great story. Great pictures. I’d be tempted to get a parrot also. But it’s still a tremendous amount of work and love that you put into the project. Your parrots are so lucky to have you.


    • Hi, Victor! Thanks. You’ll slow down one day, maybe… You’d absolutely enjoy a parrot. They are intelligent, sensitive creatures in ways that domesticated animals are not. They remain “wild” no matter how gentle and compliant they become. That’s perhaps why I enjoy them so much. Their attachment to us is not unconditional. 😉 I respect that in animals of all stripes…

      Your undersea photography is fantastic, by the way. You’ve mastered it. 🙂


  20. It all sounds hard work to me George… but the reward of having a well trained bird must far out way any of that… I would love to have a parrot, but with the dogs I have the poor bird would be chased all over the place… this sounds such good advice for all Parrot owners specially beginners… I would have made many mistakes going by your post… I love it George…


    • Hi, Rob. Thanks for the visit. I suppose it is a lot of work. I just never thought of caring for them as work. You wouldn’t either if you had a parrot. They just fit into the routine somehow. I enjoy watching them eat and forage and play and bathe so providing them with those things is fun. And a challenge to keep their lives interesting and their environment and food varied. Soon, it would be second nature to keep out their shares of the food before you add salt or sugar. I don’t add either to my food so I just share with them. I’m certainly not expert in parrot care. I just take care of them the best I know how. My demands are few. If they behave so that we can live peacefully in the same space, I’m happy! 😉 Parrots are such intelligent, sensitive creatures in ways that domesticated animals are not. I hope you have the pleasure of sharing your home with a parrot one day! 🙂


  21. Baby Cheeky graduates! What a wonderful post! It’s such a delight to follow his progress. The photographs capture so much of his personality and environment. Some important information here for the proper care of these little ones. That must have been a scary moment, the Cheeky-Anabelle crash. I’m glad the injury was only minor and that Cheeky recovered quickly. I had to laugh about Cheeky’s fear of the the floor–the accompanying photo is very humorous. Are you the one who handles the clipping of the wings? Is the process painful at all for birds? (I don’t know anything about it.) I’m so glad that Rita and Cheeky are getting along so well. Little brother Cheeky doesn’t want to be left out!


    • Yes! I am delighted by Baby Cheeks ‘ accomplishments. He is just as bright as he is tiny. I am glad that he learned about the dangers of the floor without permanent injury. I chuckle every time he ends up on the floor and crouches there waiting for me to rescue him. I think about Laura’s wild bird under the telephone stand! 😉 He really does look exactly as I imagined that bird looked. No, I don’t clip Rita’s flight feathers. The vet does it twice a year after she molts and the new feathers mature. The feather shafts of mature feathers are hollow with no blood supply or nerves so the scissor clipping is painless. She is offended by being restrained and has a screech about that, but it doesn’t cause physical pain. I am planning to clip Cheeky’s feathers myself since I am conditioning him to allow me to handle his feet and wings without restraining him.

      Cheeky no longer peers hesitantly over the edge, but I thought that was hysterical. He’s a big boy now so he just marches around in charge. 😉
      Thanks, Lemony. Everybody should enjoy their companion pets as much as I enjoy Rita and Cheeks!


  22. P.S. I will share your blog site with my sister who acquired her first parrot. She has a dog, too, and there had to be some understanding reached.


    • Haha! Yes, there has to be an agreement between fur and feathers! Usually, the feathers win. Please tell your sister that I may not do everything right, but I have found many resources over the years to make life better for us. I would be happy to share anything I have learned or advise her where to get the answers to questions. Thanks, Judy.


  23. Lovely and interesting post, George. I had no idea how much one needs to know to keep a parrot. Very interesting birds and from the photos I can see you provide everything needed for their health and comfort. I love to see people take good care of their pets.


    • Hi, Judy. Well, what I described is the tip of the proverbial iceberg in the effort to keep our parrot companions well and happy. Often, parrots are described as perennial two-year-olds. That might just fit! 🙂 I enjoy my parrots and I believe they enjoy living with me. There is no finer companion than a parrot! 🙂

