Depends on the day…

Bromeliad Leaf Characters


Today, I love these characters!



Who knows.

I might not see the characters at all.

Leaf characters are elusive, you know.

24 Comments on “Depends on the day…

  1. Beautiful abstractions – conceptualized extractions from Nature. 🙂


    • Hi, Adrian. It was fun to do with Filter Forge 4. Some pics lend themselves to abstracts, but most don’t. I enjoy the process. The top one is the abstract of the bottom one, you know. Thank you. I’m pleased that you like it. 🙂


    • Hi, Charlene! Thanks. I’m glad you like them. I can’t paint or draw, so I am tempted to pretend that I can with these “painting” filters. Do you have prints of baby feet, yet. That would make wonderful, colorful pictures. If mom will allow watercolors on the bottom of Baby Cheeks’ feet! 🙂


    • Ah, and how glorious that smiling face peeking over the tulips is! I smile every time I see it. I am going to call you “Sunshine” whether you like it or not! If everybody were as happy as you look in that pic, the world would be one sunny place for us all! 🙂 Thanks for visiting me, L’Adelaide!


    • Ah, Thanks, Christine! I love those bromeliad leaves, alive or dead, but they just aren’t very interesting to most folks, I think, so I jazzed them up a bit! 🙂 Thanks, for stopping by to visit, as always!


    • Hi, Victor! I enjoy playing “artist” with the Filter Forge filters. 🙂

      I am thinking of you and worrying about your proximity to all of the trouble in the ME. I am about to order you to evacuate…


    • Thanks, Colline. Filter Forge 4 has some fun filters. I can’t resist playing with some of the pics that I think might work. Your kids would love using it. I can’t paint or draw, but I can fantasize that I am creative when I play with it! Chuckle… Hope your summer vacation is fun. 🙂 Thank you, as always, for stopping by to visit me!


    • Thanks, Ray. It’s Filter Forge 4, a really flexible and interesting piece of software. You can do as much or as little as you like and there are many filters to choose from.

