Che’s New Home

Che's New Cage
Che's New Cage

Che's New Cage

I could not resist posting a photo of Che’s new home.  It hasn’t been cleaned or furnished yet, but it’s here after months of waiting!  I am excited for Che. I hope he likes it.  🙂

17 Comments on “Che’s New Home

    • Juliet would love Che. He is a sweetheart. I have to get him into his new home soon! Ack. I am so slow!


    • Well, I hate “chicken wire looking cages. I’ve had so many of those powder-coated commercial cages. I could have bought a good cage or two more cheaply by far. With these, you never have to buy another one. Che requires stainless steel because he pees everywhere sometimes. That eats off paint. Oh Lord, why do I get up with these critters who are going to outlive me? At least, I don’t have to look at an ugly cage for the rest of my life. Anyway, he needed a bigger, taller cage than I could find that was acceptable looking to me! I hope he likes it. You never know…


  1. Very effective use of B&W. Works well with the subject. What came to mind says more about me that the photo: “She’s only a bird in a gilded cage,….” . it is amazing the associations that you accumulate over time.


    • In this case, a chinchilla in a stainless steel cage! I think of those “what are they called?” too. Now, you’ve got me troubled because I can’t think of the word for phrases like that! Come on, now. Answer before I lie awake trying to remember. Ha Ha You always do that to me! You are something of a scoundrel that way, aren’t you?


      • All that comes to mind is metaphor & allusion. Not sure if that is what you were thinking of or not. My students were always struggling with the difference between illusion and allusion..


        • No, I do understand the difference between “illusion” and “allusion” even at my advanced age. Hold on. It will come to me! 🙂


    • Of course, it’s a metaphor, but there is a different term. I’ll think of it. Although I don’t know why I’d bother since it makes no difference. Perhaps it’s just the principle of the thing. I should recall instantly. Ha! I wish….


      • There is a treadmill and a dust bath on the first floor along with a litter pan. You are housebroken, I take it.

        There are a couple of different bedrooms on the mezzanine. One soft and snuggly tube bed and one a wooden house with a marble cooling slab for warm weather. We are happy to refrigerate the slabs if you are particularly hot-natured. A variety of wooden and pumice toys are always available to keep your teeth in shape.

        You will find the dining room on the third floor. We serve Timothy, Alfalfa, Mixed Grasses or Herbal Hay. Usually a bit of each. More Timothy for your gut. For dessert there are Oat Tops (Lilliputian corn on the cob) and a delicious mix called “Fuzzie’s Herbal Supplement”. Fuzzie’s is a favorite house specialty…but only 1/2 tsp, servings, please.

        Late night snacks are served around 2:00 AM. Applewood sticks and small twigs. Perhaps a small Timothy Hay cube for variety.

        Ear scratches are offered at snack time. We are fortunate to retain the services of a well-respected masseuse who will be happy to serve you.

        We aim to please all of our Critter residents. Welcome, my friend.


    • Thanks! That was the concept. I hate the chicken coop looking cages for small animals. This guy lives in NY State and builds the cages there. He ships them out. Palace Cages/Paul Draper if you know someone who wants a bird or small animal cage. He’s great.


    • Thank you. I hope Che likes it. He will have more climbing space. Che would be terrified of the wide-open world and try to get back in his cage. My parrot, however, is never caged. She goes into her cage to sleep.

