Fields of Grain


On my way to Mickey D’s for iced coffee

I noticed a wide field of grain

Under the setting sun, it looked absolutely golden

I raced home for the camera and the wide-angle lens

When I returned, the field wasn’t quite so golden anymore

I had visions of photographing my landscape

from a very low and dramatic angle

Well, forget that

Risking loss of life and limb parked alongside a busy highway

I did what any sensible old woman would have done

I snapped what I saw from the solid footing of the pavement:

My shadow, a luxuriant crop of Johnson Grass, and a muddy ditch.


So much for that elusive Great American Landscape photograph


34 Comments on “Fields of Grain

    • I know. I am always thinking that I should have taken the camera along… Sigh… I think I”m always “a day late, and a dollar short” as the old folks used to say! Thanks, Linda!


      • ya, tell me about it. Two weeks ago I was riding my bike out by the heron rookerie. Lot’s of activity, but all I had was iPhone. This week I went back with my 200 mm but meanwhile the trees had leafed out, much to the advantage of the herons. Oh well.


    • I’m sure you’d take anything at all as long as it isn’t covered in snow! You’ll probably have one scorcher of a summer this time around… If it ever gets there! 🙂


  1. I like the stretched-out shadow of the first shot, but I REALLY like the mono you posted on the Fuzzy, so clever, that one. Really a great image (the Ditch) The angle of the second one here made me laugh. Either you had tumbled in, or you were poking some fun at your dramatic landscape. Your fields of grain have a much softer, more welcoming look than my dead corn field. 😉


    • Hi, Richard! Thanks. I’m happy that you like them. The wide-angle produces that scale. You mean to tell me that my “great American landscape” wouldn’t be worth the sacrifice? Chuckle… I’m too impulsive for my own good, I’m afraid. Last year, I nearly got plowed under by traffic getting my obligatory wildflower photo alongside the road. Only to come home and realize that my neighbor across the way had a whole lawn planted in the things! They’re blooming all over her lawn this year, but I didn’t even bother to walk down there to snap them. 🙂 If it’s easy, it loses it appeal for humans, I reckon!


    • Hi, Sylvia! I didn’t think of that song. I would have titled it that if I’d thought of it. I have to hop over to see what fantastic adventure you’re on these days. Just try to stay out of that swamp where the alligators were next to the dingy!! 🙂 Thanks for stopping by, Sylvia!


    • The whole time I was standing right next to whizzing traffic, the scenes of folks getting mowed down doing what I was doing were running through my old head. I thought, now, that would be just like me to get smashed taking a dumb photo! Ha-ha! Thanks, RoSy! 🙂


    • Hi, Christine. I was just over at your place finding out what I missed. The last time I was there, you were gathering lotus blossoms! How I do wish I could have a few… Thanks for stopping by and particularly for telling me that my “great American landscape” fiasco isn’t too bad anyway! 🙂 I can’t get used to the color that the polarizing filter produces. I use it because of the sun glare, but it surely does alter the look of the photographs.


      • hi George, I do understand, but have not had the luxury of using filters myself … maybe in the future! I guess you saw my fungi 🙂 xx


    • That’s a close as I really should get to a real selfie… I couldn’t move further away and shoot in that direction so I got myself too. I was just playing around after I realized the folly of my ambitions… Thanks, Gail.


  2. Well it’s the thought that counts and I’m glad that you didn’t risk your life…another opportunity for a landscape is just around a safer corner! 🙂


    • Well, I don’t do sunrises or sunsets. Now, I think I don’t do landscapes either! Chuckle… There are some very pretty rolling hills not far outside of town if I wanted to find a real landscape, I reckon. I might drive out to find a little hill to photo one day! Preferably off the roadway! Thanks, Suzanne!


  3. George, I think the landscape is all the richer for having you – or, at least, your shadow – in it. I think your shadow really brings it all alive. And I love the angle of the lower photo – that’s just the sort of thing I’d do, I’m all for such things – who is it says that all landscapes should be horizontal??? I hope you’re fine and dandy, my dear. Its very good to be able to send you Comments again. Adrian 🙂


    • HI, Adrian. You’re too kind. I have no idea why I thought to do the angle one. I was just fooling around after I realized that my original plan was folly! Glad to see you, always, you know! 🙂 Thanks, Adrian.


  4. You did just fine. I always carry a small point-n-shoot with me in the truck for just these sort of gotta-get-that-shot opportunities! D


    • I would carry my Lumix except that it is so small that I have real trouble holding it still enough. I have a battery pack on the Nikon and heavy lenses. I can hold it pretty much okay. I found a gizmo called Steadepod that has a line from the camera to a piece that you put under your foot. When you put tension on the line, it keeps the vertical steady. That helps a great deal. I laughed about my great American landscape notion. I thought I might get arrested since I saw a highway patrolman pass and look at me as if he wondered what the heck? I held up my camera so he wouldn’t think I had car trouble. Somebody is going to plow right over me one day. I stopped in the middle of the street downtown to photograph buildings. Folks don’t have much of a sense of humor about being delayed a few seconds… Chuckle… Thanks, Farmer!


  5. I am almost glad you missed the first sighting as these are artistic. I like your elongated shadow and of course the angle of the other made me think you just may have fallen in the ditch! Thank heavens it was more creativity with your best friend camera (does he/she have a name?)


    • Hey, thanks! The ditch observation made me laugh. It does look as if I’ve landed in the ditch. My camera remains nameless, but my favorite walk-around lens is “Old Faithful”. I even talk to it and argue with it! It’s a Nikkor 18-200mm. I dropped her off a high shelf onto a slate floor once, and she survived. That astounded me. Thanks for your kind comments, always! 🙂

